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Cosmic Insights – October 25, 2021 October 25, 2021

Posted by Veronica Hartman in Uncategorized.
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By Veronica G. Hartman

The celestial week of October 25, 202, begins with the Sun rising in transformational and powerful Scorpio, illuminating an opportunity to accomplish great things now if the conscious, subconscious, and unconscious aspects of consciousness work together in unison to create the nature of personal reality.  

Mars, the daily action-oriented ruler of Scorpio is currently positioned in cooperative Libra with a course of action to transcend difficulties regarding resources and relationships, through a spiritual rebirth to rise above the past with responses above the expected level to set standards to become self-sufficient.  

While that may seem to be a tall order for Mars in Libra, Scorpio energy is adept at executing actions that cut through the chase of unconscious agendas with the internal authoritative power of Pluto in Capricorn, the transcendental ruler of Scorpio to search deep with the shadow of subconscious values, beliefs, thoughts, and actions to transform them to a higher vibration of evolution.  Thus, the gift of the Sun moving through Scorpio is an opportunity to reveal what needs to be brought out of the depths of the subconscious into the light of conscious awareness for transformation. Fortunately, Pluto in Capricorn is on duty to assist that process with the authoritative power to reassess one’s real attitudes and ideals at the conscious level.

Meanwhile, the Moon is moving through conscious-minded Gemini with a powerful emotional desire to get on board with the transformational process of releasing subconscious negative emotions and limiting decisions, that may unconsciously sabotage how one relates to everything in life.  Once the decision has been made to uncover the root cause of self-sabotage and destruction, the action follows to consciously communicate to the unconscious mind through dreams, meditation, and hypnosis to receive the desired results.

Shortly after the day begins, the Moon goes void of course leaving ample time to process the feelings that were elicited through the communication until the afternoon, when the Moon moves into emotional Cancer where it resides for the next couple of days.  When the Moon is flowing through the emotional waters of Cancer, there is a tendency to feel vulnerable if there are unresolved issues of insecurity about home and family.  Consequently, it may be portrayed as emotional neediness to be taken care of by others and to feel abandoned if that need is not met.  However, the key to emotional healing lies within oneself, not others.  So for the next few days, it is important to take a step back from expecting others to take care of you, and extend self-care and love to yourself because you deserve it!  You will be amazed to discover how strong and self-reliant you really are!

On the evening of October 26, Venus in breaks all the rules Sagittarius engages in a challenging dynamic with Neptune retrograde in Pisces, with a desire for the freedom to broaden personal horizons at the drop of a hat, without consideration for the consequences that it may bring.  The caveat is that while it seems like no big deal to Venus, supervisors and/or significant others may feel like a permanent separation may be the ideal solution all the way around!  So, it will useful for Venus in Sag to pause for a moment and utilize its charm to let others think that it was their idea and that they will benefit from the absence of Venus!

In the early hours of October 28, the emotional landscape changes dramatically as the Moon strides into glorious Leo with either a heart-warming emotional attitude of embracing love or an arrogant, egotistical, and opinionated approach that is bone-chilling and pretentious.  However, regardless of the mood, you wake up in Leo energy personifies the law of attraction, so what is sent out will be received back!  In light of the planetary energy during the next couple of days, it will be wise to think twice before reacting with indifference to imagined slights of attention.  The first of several repercussions occur later in the afternoon when the Moon in Leo and the Sun in Scorpio square off with differences over daily work activities and financial investments, followed by a potential confrontation with Saturn in Aquarius later in the evening about who is the employee and who is the boss! 

On October 29, the merry-go-round of challenges and confrontations continues before the Sun comes up, as the Moon in Leo challenges Uranus in Taurus about a desire for emotional attention in relationships, which opens a huge doorway for relationship confrontations just before the days ends!

In the early morning hours of October 30, the Sun in Scorpio challenges Saturn in Aquarius about taking responsible actions about commitments and building a solid foundation to manifest hopes, wishes, and dreams through creativity.  However, Saturn in Aquarius may counter the challenge with an unexpected response of, “it is being built in my mind, so give it a rest and let me get back to work”!  While it may seem that Saturn has won this round, make no mistake it just ain’t so! The Sun in Scorpio may appear to retreat in defeat, yet it is only bidding its time until Mars joins it shortly in Scorpio after breakfast!  Then, it’s on!

Now that Mars has entered into its secondary turf, there is no gray area about taking decisive actions and backing them up with an assertive attitude!  So unless you want to be stung, it would be wise to stay out of the business of others or cross the line that has been drawn in the sand!

Veronica is a professional astrologer certified by the NCGR Professional Astrologers Alliance, Master Hypnotherapist and Instructor certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) certified by the American Board of NLP, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Time Line TherapyTM certified by the Time Line TherapyTM Association, Reiki Master of the Usui Sei Chem Tibetan lineage, and an Ordained Minister by the Universal Brotherhood Movement, Inc.

To make appointments regarding personal cosmic insights on what 2021-22 holds for you, personal empowerment sessions using the tools of hypnosis, Time Line TherapyTM, and NLP to create the quality of life you deserve and desire, astrology classes and workshops, Reiki training, and energy healing sessions, Certification training’s and workshops in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis and Time Line TherapyTM, or wedding officiant services, contact Veronica at 615-355-4983 and/or vghart2@cs.com.

For additional information on these services, visit www.awarenessthroughastrology.com, www.alternativelearningtechnologies.com, and/or www.rainbowsofenlightenment.com.

NOTE: All three websites are currently under reconstruction and will not be available until further notice.

DISCLAIMER: The astrological information shared in this post does not constitute advice to anyone in any context, whatsoever.

Cosmic Insights – October 18, 2021 October 17, 2021

Posted by Veronica Hartman in Uncategorized.
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By Veronica G. Hartman

The celestial week of October 18, 2021, begins with the Sun rising in peacemaking Libra illuminating an opportunity to integrate the principle of will with the principle of love with the strength and stamina of an eagle and the peace and gentleness of a dove; resulting in an experience of internal harmony.  Libra energy is governed by Venus the planet of relating and resources, so the key to the merger lies in exposing the darkness of the past in light of a new vibrant beginning regarding self-values. 

The significance of the opportunity is huge, as Venus is currently exploring the terrain of Sagittarian beliefs and philosophies, as Jupiter the king of Sag has just begun to move forward in individualistic Aquarius.  Thus, it is important now to plant an individual flag of uniqueness regarding your evolutionary contribution to the world of humanity!  The key is to walk your talk with intentional values, allowing others in the melting pot of humanity to do the same without personal judgments.  While significant others may hold completely different opinions about beliefs, philosophies, and cultural backgrounds, it is important to respect the viewpoints of others without throwing the baby out with the bathwater!

That may be easier said than done as the Sun in Libra has just squared off with Pluto in Capricorn in a challenging dynamic to gain control of relationships and resources with covert manipulation agendas disguised with a charming disposition and win/win proposals.  No dice! Pluto wins this round with the ability to transform those agendas with authoritative power, leaving no doubt of who is in control!

Meanwhile, the Moon has just raced into impulsive Aries with a fired-up emotional attitude to move forward on its own, without regard for the condescending actions of others, as it pertains to personal desires.  The caveat is that Mars the warrior energy of the planets is still navigating through ‘let us keep the peace at all costs’ Libra, it is up for a confrontation if provoked!  Thus, it is wise now to maintain boundaries with assertive actions instead of jumping the gun with emotional reactions!  

However, there may be a test of patience shortly after the day begins when Mercury begins moving forward in Libra in a yod configuration with Venus in Sagittarius and Uranus in Taurus.  A  yod configuration between three planets is suggestive of destiny or the finger of God.  As Taurus and Libra are both ruled by Venus, self-values, relationships, and resources are involved in attitude adjustments required to facilitate harmony, peace, and fairness for the highest good of all.  The caveat is that Uranus in Taurus is not releasing resources for the sake of relating unless there is a fair exchange of values and investments.  Another contributing factor is that the Moon and Chiron in Aries are motivated to seek what is personally desired and a bit tired of listening to what others want instead of focusing on what they want!  

On the afternoon of October 20, the Moon slowly meanders into the fields of Taurus to quietly contemplate current emotional investments in relationships through the context of personal self-values.  Even though the Moon in Taurus is emotionally solid as a rock, current desires may collide with the agendas of relationships, so the emotional peace desired by the Moon in Taurus may be disrupted by unpredictable communication that upsets the apple cart of relating!  Thus, it is wise now to listen to how you feel about relationships and then communicate them with honest values about what you desire and deserve.

However, as a result, before the day ends on October 21, challenges may occur as that conversation may trigger huge and unpredictable reactions which threaten significant relationships, as Mars in Libra picks up the challenges that the Sun experienced with Pluto in Capricorn on October 17 regarding power and control.  The difference is that Mars may engage in a power struggle with Pluto without recognizing the danger of doing so!   

Yet, the key to maintaining a healthy balance in relationships now is to recognize that others have the same right to feel and express their feelings without repercussions.  Otherwise, it becomes an exercise in attempting to control others with passive-aggressive actions which could precipitate unpredictable results!

Last but not least, the Sun moves into powerful Scorpio on the evening of October 22, and will cut through the chase of relating with penetrating insights and no patience with passive-aggressive behaviors.  The benefit of the Sun’s passage through secretive Scorpio is an opportunity to delve into the depths of the personal shadow of deeply repressed emotions and scars, so they can be healed by the revelation of the light of what was learned, forgiven, and released.

Veronica is a professional astrologer certified by the NCGR Professional Astrologers Alliance, Master Hypnotherapist and Instructor certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) certified by the American Board of NLP, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Time Line TherapyTM certified by the Time Line TherapyTM Association, Reiki Master of the Usui Sei Chem Tibetan lineage, and an Ordained Minister by the Universal Brotherhood Movement, Inc.

To make appointments regarding personal cosmic insights on what 2021-22 holds for you, personal empowerment sessions using the tools of hypnosis, Time Line TherapyTM, and NLP to create the quality of life you deserve and desire, astrology classes and workshops, Reiki training, and energy healing sessions, Certification training’s and workshops in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis and Time Line TherapyTM, or wedding officiant services, contact Veronica at 615-355-4983 and/or vghart2@cs.com. For additional information on these services, visit www.awarenessthroughastrology.com, www.alternativelearningtechnologies.com, and/or www.rainbowsofenlightenment.com.

DISCLAIMER: The astrological information shared in this post does not constitute advice to anyone in any context, whatsoever.

Cosmic Insights – October 11, 2021 October 10, 2021

Posted by Veronica Hartman in Uncategorized.
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By Veronica G. Hartman

The celestial week of October 11, 2021, begins with the Sun rising in cooperative Libra, illuminating an opportunity to see the light of relationship agendas, and how you allow others to take advantage of you and your resources.  Venus, the ruling planet of Libra is riding the waves of opportunities now in freedom-seeking Sagittarius, offering the chance to consider the personal beliefs received and/or accepted from others about personal self-values and what you deserve and don’t deserve.  The key is to rely on one’s internal wisdom and strength gained from personal experiences to elevate one to a higher position of perception.  Perhaps now is the time to consider and adopt the view of an owl perched high in a tree surveying those who would prey upon it, before it swoops down to eliminate it!  Thus, now is the time to listen more, and say less to gain the advantage that others may seek to take from you with charm and a smiling demeanor.  So in light of the current energy, there is a Cherokee Legend that goes like this:  

A little boy was walking down a path and he came across a rattlesnake. The rattlesnake was getting old. He asked, “Please little boy, can you take me to the top of the mountain? I hope to see the sunset one last time before I die.” The little boy answered “No Mr. Rattlesnake. If I pick you up, you’ll bite me, and I’ll die.” The rattlesnake said, “No, I promise. I won’t bite you. Just please take me up to the mountain.” The little boy thought about it and finally picked up that rattlesnake and took it close to his chest and carried it up to the top of the mountain.

They sat there and watched the sunset together. It was so beautiful. Then after sunset, the rattlesnake turned to the little boy and asked, “Can I go home now? I am tired, and I am old.” The little boy picked up the rattlesnake and again took it to his chest and held it tightly and safely. He came all the way down the mountain holding the snake carefully and took it to his home to give him some food and a place to sleep. The next day the rattlesnake turned to the boy and asked, “Please little boy, will you take me back to my home now? It is time for me to leave this world, and I would like to be at my home now.” The little boy felt he had been safe all this time and the snake had kept his word, so he would take it home as asked.

He carefully picked up the snake, took it close to his chest, and carried him back to the woods, to his home to die. Just before he laid the rattlesnake down, the rattlesnake turned and bit him in the chest. The little boy cried out and threw the snake upon the ground. “Mr. Snake, why did you do that? Now I will surely die!” The rattlesnake looked up at him and grinned, “You knew what I was when you picked me up.” (1)  

Thus, the key now is to pay attention to what you may be picking up from others now that is harmful to you, and advantageous for them.

Meanwhile, the Moon is finishing up a blazing journey through Sagittarius as it moves through the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy with a reminder that it is our emotional vision projected out into the world, which gives form to personal reality.

Shortly after lunch, the Moon moves into power-seeking Capricorn with ambitious career goals and a position of administrative power in mind to become the authority in charge of personal reality.  The significance of the Moon’s current movement through Capricorn now is that Saturn the CEO of Capricorn has just returned from a four-and-a-half month retreat in Aquarius with revised business plans to manifest hopes, wishes, and dreams.  As a result, emotional energy during the next couple of days can be utilized to support the implementation of those plans. 

Therefore, the key to success now lies in enlisting Uranus retrograde in Taurus to appreciate the value of those dreams with an expansive financial investment.  The caveat is that Uranus in Taurus does not release financial funds without assurance that the investment is a sure thing.  Yet, Venus the planetary ruler of Taurus is currently aiming financial intentions through risky Sagittarius with the awareness that you can’t win the lottery if you don’t buy a ticket!  However, Jupiter the archer of Sag is also retrograde in Aquarius, so the best strategy for the Moon in Capricorn to get everyone on board with expansive plans is to prime the emotional pump, by advertising all of the advantages and opportunities that the investment will eventually provide!

Fortunately, the Moon joins Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius on October 13, with an opportunity to work behind the scenes to support the plans of Saturn in Aquarius with networking and technology, which Jupiter will jump on board to expand on October 17, when it goes direct! 

As luck would have it, the Moon in emotionally intuitive Aquarius is able to work its mental magic through appealing to the subtle agendas of Venus, Mars, and the Sun in Libra to receive benefits for their contributive efforts through the support of Venus in Sagittarius.  The only planetary holdout now is Uranus in Taurus, but Venus in Sagittarius will bring it around with the value and promise of a bigger piece of the pie in January 2022!

However, another hiccup may occur on October 15, when the Moon sails into elusive Pisces with potential doubts about making a long-term commitment that appears to be risky.  Therefore, paying attention to messages received in dreams, meditations, and/or altered states of trance may provide valuable clues about the best direction to choose now.  Jupiter and Neptune, the co-rulers of Pisces are both retrograde, so waiting until October 17, may be a good rule of thumb to follow until Jupiter begins to move forward.  Another cosmic advantage now is that Neptune is retrograde until December 1, so nothing is hidden from view about covert motives. 

(1)  http://www.northerncherokeenation.com/boy-and-the-rattlesnake-story.html

Veronica is a professional astrologer certified by the NCGR Professional Astrologers Alliance, Master Hypnotherapist and Instructor certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) certified by the American Board of NLP, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Time Line TherapyTM certified by the Time Line TherapyTM Association, Reiki Master of the Usui Sei Chem Tibetan lineage, and an Ordained Minister by the Universal Brotherhood Movement, Inc.

To make appointments regarding personal cosmic insights on what 2021-22 holds for you, personal empowerment sessions using the tools of hypnosis, Time Line TherapyTM, and NLP to create the quality of life you deserve and desire, astrology classes and workshops, Reiki training, and energy healing sessions, Certification training’s and workshops in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis and Time Line TherapyTM, or wedding officiant services, contact Veronica at 615-355-4983 and/or vghart2@cs.com.

For additional information on these services, visit www.awarenessthroughastrology.com, www.alternativelearningtechnologies.com, and/or www.rainbowsofenlightenment.com.

Cosmic Insights – October 4, 2021 October 3, 2021

Posted by Veronica Hartman in Uncategorized.
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By Veronica G. Hartman

The celestial week of October 4, 2021, begins with the Sun rising in the crisp fall air of Libra illuminating an opportunity to come into the light of awareness after a long arduous soul searching journey to clarify clouded thoughts and emotions of doubts and fears about self-values, relationships, and resources.  The energy of Libra is characterized as the scales of justice weighing out the experiences of life in a fair/unfair context to find a balance of equality in all situations.  Yet, while it often appears that Libra is indecisive when making decisive choices, it is actually seeking the best options available.  

However, Venus the general in charge of Libra is currently traveling through powerful Scorpio and marching to a different drummer, as Mars the warrior energy which rules Scorpio is moving through Libra with passive-aggressive actions to meet personal needs through simplistic and imaginative solutions.  Yet, do not be fooled or caught off guard, Venus in Scorpio is silently aware of the agendas of Mars in Libra and will not hesitate to deliver Scorpio’s version of justice for self-serving actions.

Meanwhile, the Moon is moving through the realms of unconscious emotions with the conscious awareness of Virgo, as it attempts to make sense of current relationship agendas through a desire to relate across the gulfs of differences perceived in the viewpoints of others. 

Whereas, Mercury the planetary messenger of Virgo is moving back through Libra, exploring the mental terrain of conversations since September 6 for clues about relationships and resources, in the anticipation of new opportunities.

Thus, as the air dances through the trees scattering leaves upon the ground of thoughts, emotions, and actions, emulating the lead of nature in action to release what no longer serves the purpose of one’s life in peaceful harmony.

On the morning of October 5, the Moon joins the Sun, Mars, and Mercury in Libra to consider the purpose and value to continue to keep the peace with passive-aggressive actions instead of being true to oneself concerning relationships.  As all of these planets are filtering the values of one’s purpose, values, and ideas through Venus in Scorpio, there is also a powerful desire to cut through the chase with actions of leadership and an attitude of let the chips fall where they may!

A unique turn of events occurs on October 6, as the new moon cycle in Libra arrives just before sunrise with a need to take time out for personal self-care and meditation to contemplate what is truly desired and valued for oneself.  The uniqueness of this cycle is that Libra is a “we” energy and this new lunar cycle has a “me first” energy stamped on it as Mars is aligned with the Sun and Moon in Libra, and is more focused on personal desires that what is mutually agreed upon and shared.  Another unusual twist to this cycle is that Uranus is retrograde in Taurus and incongruent with the essence of “me first” as Taurus is connected to relationships as much as Libra is. 

However, Venus in Scorpio has the final say as Venus rules both Libra and Taurus, so there is an opportunity to transform self-values and become self-sufficient instead of relying on others to fulfill personal desires.  The key is to rest assured that while it is time to pursue self interests, there is assistance, help, healing, and Divine Intervention from a higher power, if you are willing to seek it.

The emotional climate changes significantly on the mid-morning of October 7, as the Moon slips into the subconscious territory of secretive Scorpio with an intense desire to understand the power of emotions to transform lead into gold, or the process of alchemy to relate to the depths of one’s soul.  The wheels of change are churning in the background while the Moon in Scorpio offers an opportunity to retreat from sharing emotions with others until it is comfortable in its own skin.  Thus, emotional still waters run deep and silently until they are turned inside out and subconsciously transformed to a higher vibration.

Before the day ends, the Sun and Mars unite in Libra to repair the emotional damages sustained regarding family relationships, so that a new life can be built with optimistic values on a solid ground of relating fairly so that peace and harmony can prevail, regardless of the winds of change.

Veronica is a professional astrologer certified by the NCGR Professional Astrologers Alliance, Master Hypnotherapist and Instructor certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) certified by the American Board of NLP, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Time Line TherapyTM certified by the Time Line TherapyTM Association, Reiki Master of the Usui Sei Chem Tibetan lineage, and an Ordained Minister by the Universal Brotherhood Movement, Inc.

To make appointments regarding personal cosmic insights on what 2021 holds for you, personal empowerment sessions using the tools of hypnosis, Time Line TherapyTM, and NLP to create the quality of life you deserve and desire, astrology classes and workshops, Reiki training, and energy healing sessions, Certification training’s and workshops in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis and Time Line TherapyTM, or wedding officiant services, contact Veronica at 615-355-4983 and/or vghart2@cs.com. For additional information on these services, visit www.awarenessthroughastrology.com, www.alternativelearningtechnologies.com, and/or www.rainbowsofenlightenment.com.