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Cosmic Insights – December 18, 2023 December 18, 2023

Posted by Veronica Hartman in Uncategorized.
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By Veronica G. Hartman

The celestial week of December 18, 2023, begins with the Sun rising in cowboy Sagittarius, illuminating a huge opportunity to take the reins of life beyond the horizon to create a vision of personal evolution into concrete form.

Jupiter, the CEO of Sagittarius is slowly riding the range of the vision in earthly Taurus to overcome the separation of internal values of worthiness and vast beliefs to experience the vision in reality.  

Whereas, Venus the ruler of Taurus is along for the ride in fiercely determined Scorpio with a feeling of self-sufficiency to continue the journey.  While Mars the planetary avenger of Scorpio is riding shotgun to protect the completion of the vision with congruent actions and a sense of adventure!

Meanwhile, the Moon is floating along the oceanic waves of Pisces sailing through potential unforeseen difficulties with emotional faith, peace, and tranquility which passes all understanding.  

The Moon in Pisces also has the support of Jupiter and Uranus retrograde in Taurus about the financial values of the vision, the passionate creative energy of Venus in Scorpio, the commitment of Saturn and the ideals of Neptune in Pisces,  Mercury retrograde in Capricorn to reassess the business plan, and the authority of Pluto in Capricorn to bypass the challenging but heroic actions of Mars in Sagittarius to expand the vision!

The emotional climate shifts quickly on the afternoon of December 19, as the Moon ventures into fearless Aries to finish up last-minute preparation for the holidays.  Mars, the action action-oriented ruler of Aries is in adventuresome Sagittarius and up for the task of avoiding the boredom of waiting for Jupiter retrograde in Taurus to get moving!  Fortunately, Venus the queen of Taurus is motivated to work with the Moon in Aries, after an attitude adjustment about demonstrating patience instead of frustration with other last-minute shoppers!

In the darkness of the wee hours of December 21, the patience of Venus in Scorpio is tested as it opposes Uranus retrograde in Taurus, illuminating an opportunity to balance, negotiate, and compromise on values relative to joint financial affairs and intimate relationships.  The caveat is that both Venus in Scorpio and Uranus retrograde in Taurus are strong-willed, determined, and unlikely to budge on core values.  Thus, the key is to consider the pros and cons of both sides before taking a position that may have unintended consequences when Uranus goes direct in January 2024!

Later in the evening, the Moon joins Jupiter and Uranus retrograde in Taurus, so it may be more difficult to reach a win/win solution if a compromise has not been decided upon.  The Moon in Taurus also has the support of Mercury retrograde in Capricorn, Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn, and Neptune in Pisces, as well as Jupiter and Uranus retrograde in Taurus, so the scales may be tipped more to the Taurus values instead of the Scorpio one.  The caveat is that Venus in Scorpio may seem to acquiesce to the Taurus values to keep the peace for the time being, but will not forget nor likely forgive the retreat until the tables are turned in the future.

Before the day ends, a significant shift of energy and light occurs as the Sun enters Capricorn, announcing the Winder Solstice as it illuminates the longest day and darkest night of the solar year which began with the previous Spring Equinox.  As such, it is a reminder to turn inward to the darkness within to seek the internal candle of lights that burns brightly in gratitude for the breath of life to experience it.

Thus, it is a time of contemplative illumination about the purpose of one’s life, and the responsible authoritative action required to accomplish it as a CEO of personal reality.  On a mundane level, the intentions of the seeds planted at the recent Spring Equinox are providing a demonstration of the harvest of those intentions.

Last but not least, on a galactic level, “the Winter Solstice is the point of greatest contact with universal consciousness, where collective wisdom has been assimilated.” (1 When and where the self becomes the Higher Self leading to a fusion of the Personality and the Soul.

(1)  Parker, Ann E.  Galactic Astrology.  P. 29 

Veronica is a professional astrologer with thirty-four years of experience and certified by the NCGR Professional Astrologers Alliance, Master Hypnotherapist and Instructor certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) with twenty-five years of experience and is certified by the American Board of NLP, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Time Line TherapyTM certified by the Time Line TherapyTM Association, Reiki Master of the Usui Sei Chem Tibetan lineage, with twenty-eight years of experience, and an Ordained Minister by the Universal Brotherhood Movement, Inc. since 1995.

To make appointments regarding personal cosmic insights on what 2024 holds for you, personal empowerment sessions using the tools of hypnosis, Time Line TherapyTM, and NLP to create the quality of life you deserve and desire, astrology classes and workshops, Reiki training, energy healing sessions, Certification training’s and workshops in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis and Time Line TherapyTM, or wedding officiant services, contact Veronica at 615-355-4983 and/or vghart2@cs.com.

For additional information on these services, visit www.awarenessthroughastrology.comwww.alternativelearningtechnologies.com, and/or www.rainbowsofenlightenment.com.

NOTE: Rainbows of Enlightenment is under construction.

DISCLAIMER: The astrological information shared in this post does not constitute advice to anyone in any context, whatsoever.

Copyright – 1989-2023 – Veronica G. Hartman and Awareness through Astrology.


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