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Cosmic Insights – March 11, 2024 March 11, 2024

Posted by Veronica Hartman in Uncategorized.
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By Veronica G. Hartman

The celestial week of March 11, 2024, begins with the Sun rising in selfless Pisces, illuminating an opportunity to receive channeled information from Spirit as truth, leading to a realization of at-one-ment with all forms of life, thus emerging from a cocoon of darkness into the light to experience a higher sense of being with the awareness of having all that is needed.

As the new moon cycle occurred in Pisces on March 10, the nature of this insight is relevant to creating a specific intention that will unfold during the year.  The caveat is that the nature of Pisces is not inclined to be specific.  Thus, it is important to clear the cobwebs and illusions of the past year to utilize the current new moon cycle with conscious desires and actions.

However, with Saturn and Neptune in Pisces as well, the artistic nature of Pisces can be useful in clearing and purifying intentions through music, art, meditation, dance, writing, creating vision boards, and hypnosis.  

Meanwhile, the Moon is moving quickly through emotionally impulsive Aries with a fierce desire to break through the illusion of a perceived inability to conquer a world of dreams, by shifting a mindset of frustration born of impatience, to an attitude of adapting to changes from outside forces to one of motivation and leadership that can shift gears accordingly!

Mars, the supervisor of Aries is currently riding the electrical currents of unpredictable Aquarius so the Moon in Aries has an ally that thrives in chaos with an attitude that can spin on a dime!  Thus, the next couple of days are an opportunity to get a lot accomplished, although it may happen differently than what was originally planned.  Just go with it, it may work out even better!

Later in the early evening, Venus the queen of relating drifts into romantic, elusive Pisces to indulge in fantasies of soul-mate connections or unrequited love relationships, which may become an emotional high or victimization depending on the reality check delivered by Jupiter in values-conscious Taurus and the daily ruler of Pisces.  The caveat is that Venus in Pisces is extremely sensitive to the emotional energy of others and may perceive attention as being romantic when it is not intended.

However, the next few weeks are an excellent opportunity to channel emotional values into artistic inspiration, spirituality, emotional healing, and manifesting dreams into reality!

The emotional climate settles down on the evening of March 12 as the Moon meanders into calm Taurus after an initial challenging encounter with Pluto in Aquarius!  Both are stubborn and may find it difficult to find a common ground relative to matters concerning home, family, and relationships.  Therefore, Venus in Pisces may be called upon to mediate compromises relative to personal “me” time vs “we time, as the Moon in Taurus wants an emotional commitment while Pluto is Aquarius is determined to have some personal freedom.  

Once an agreeable solution is found, the next couple of days are emotionally mellow until the Moon in Taurus challenges the actions of Mars in Aquarius relative to friendships, hopes, wishes, and dreams!

Before the day ends on March 14, the Moon shifts gears into communicative, mischievous Gemini that can lead to restoring harmony in relationships as casual conversation opens emotional doors that have felt closed.  The key is to allow each person to speak their piece without interrupting them. 

However, Mercury the planetary ruler of Gemini is moving quickly through impulsive Aries and may speak without thinking about the effect it is having on others which may lead to unnecessary misunderstandings and a lack of communication.  It may also have the effects of one or the other person storming off without warning as communication is perceived out of context. Therefore, sharing information, thoughts, and feelings with consideration can alter the outcomes of relating during the next few days.  

Veronica is a professional astrologer with thirty-five years of experience and certified by the NCGR Professional Astrologers Alliance, Master Hypnotherapist and Instructor certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) with twenty-six years of experience and is certified by the American Board of NLP, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Time Line TherapyTM certified by the Time Line TherapyTM Association, Reiki Master of the Usui Sei Chem Tibetan lineage, with twenty-nine years of experience, and an Ordained Minister by the Universal Brotherhood Movement, Inc. since 1995.

To make appointments regarding personal cosmic insights on what 2024 holds for you, personal empowerment sessions using the tools of hypnosis, Time Line TherapyTM, and NLP to create the quality of life you deserve and desire, astrology classes and workshops, Reiki training, energy healing sessions, Certification training’s and workshops in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis and Time Line TherapyTM, or wedding officiant services, contact Veronica at 615-355-4983 and/or vghart2@cs.com.

For additional information on these services, visit www.awarenessthroughastrology.comwww.alternativelearningtechnologies.com, and/or www.rainbowsofenlightenment.com.

NOTE: Rainbows of Enlightenment is under construction.

DISCLAIMER: The astrological information shared in this post does not constitute advice to anyone in any context, whatsoever.

Copyright – 1989-2024 – Veronica G. Hartman and Awareness through Astrology.