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Cosmic Insights – April 8, 2024 April 7, 2024

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By Veronica G. Hartman

The celestial week of April 8, 2024, begins with the Sun rising in action-oriented Aries, illuminating an opportunity to experience big rewards with small efforts.  

The nature of Aries often seems aggressive as it rushes through life unknowingly seeking the quest of the Holy Grail, as in who am I?  Interesting that the mandate of Aries is “I AM”.  Thus, life can be spent seeking the answer externally through experiences, while they reside internally.

Mars, the planetary supervisor of Aries is currently drifting through the unconscious realms of elusive Pisces, providing an opportunity to go within through meditative prayer for guidance and direction that may come through dreams, hypnosis, and artistic inspiration.

Whereas, Jupiter is the daily ruler of Pisces and is assisting Mars to experience an enormous potentiality emerging through a greater perspective of who you truly are.

Meanwhile, the Moon is speeding recklessly through Aries on a wing and a prayer to open the mind to possibilities from the emotional messages received from unconscious behaviors before the new moon/solar eclipse cycle in Aries occurs later in the afternoon.   The significance of this short window of time is an opportunity to let go of the emotional past for a clean slate to experience oneself with clarity, instead of carrying it into the next nineteen years as emotional baggage.

As the solar eclipse occurs in Aries shortly after lunch, it may trigger unconscious emotions as Mars, the ruler of Aries is floating through Pisces.  

Also, to truly grasp the significance of this eclipse, you have to go back to its point of origin.  Solar eclipses begin at either the north or south pole and take approximately 1280 years to complete the cycle at the opposite pole.  This eclipse began at the North Pole 50 May 17, 1501, and will not be complete until 2745!  

What?  Yes, that is correct!  Solar eclipses are part of a series of eclipses, known as the Saro Series, and repeat every eighteen years at the same degree in the zodiac.  The energy of the initial eclipse in 1501 is the foundation of this series, and it is interpreted as a period of inventiveness, flashes of genius, intuitive leaps, insights, futuristic ideas, and inspiring visions and dreams.

Wow!  That is a lot to comprehend for an event that takes three or four minutes!  Yet, it is not a moment to miss the opportunities inherent in it if you are paying attention.  As this eclipse began at the North Node it is not inclined to be social as personal freedom is sought at this time and during the next six months to utilize the energy without outside distractions.  

Therefore, it is time to plant the seeds of a desired vision in the fertile ground of the unconscious with art, music meditation, trance, and dream states without doubt.  The key is to faithfully nurture those seeds of intentions throughout the new moon cycle with positive thoughts, words, feelings, and visionary actions, without becoming impatient; as Mars in Pisces is working behind the scenes on their growth and Mercury is retrograde in Aries until April 30!

Minutes after the eclipse occurs, the Sun and Chiron unite in a new cycle of potential healing of self-inflicted wounds of rejection, shame, or abandonment as an opportunity to integrate the awareness of the “I AM” within!  

The key is to remain focused on the individual choice to take responsibility for allowing yourself to feel anything less than empowered, instead of being a victim to the illusion that anyone else or circumstance can disempower you.

As the Sun hovers on the horizon on April 9, the Moon cruises into the calm fields of gentle Taurus to emotionally absorb the opportunities of the new moon/solar eclipse cycle at a slower pace, instead of rushing through it without emotional or mental clarity. 

The caveat is that Venus the queen of relating is moving quickly through impulsive Aries with a tendency to rush in where angels fear to tread, and as a result miss opportunities along the way to increase financial resources and reaffirm self-values.  

Remember, in the fable of the tortoise and the hare, it is not always who starts first that finishes the race first!

On the afternoon of April 10, Mars and Saturn unite in spiritual Pisces with an opportunity for the Higher Self to train the lower self in the context of actions and behaviors relative to being an authoritative CEO as a creator or personal reality! 

The caveat is that the lower self characterized in Pisces is often an unconscious victim of its emotions and may bypass the opportunities that influence the next thirty years over the next two years!  The key is to listen to the voice within that is calling you to ground the purpose of the path before you with a spiritual intention, and the Universe will take care of the details!

Just before the workday begins on April 11, the Moon takes flight into the duality of Gemini!  Thus, for the next two days, emotional messages about personal desires may motivate communicative behaviors that transform powerful ideas into reality!

The caveat is that Mercury the planetary director of ideas is retrograde until April 30, so there may be a tendency to take action without all of the necessary information available.

However, before the sun goes down, there is light at the end of the tunnel as the Sun and Mercury unite in Aries with a quiet determination to get on with the job with positive attitudes and behaviors!  

Thus, this is a turning point in the Mercury retrograde cycle as the Sun illuminates the required missing information in dreams, meditation, and artistic inspiration!

Veronica is a professional astrologer with thirty-five years of experience and certified by the NCGR Professional Astrologers Alliance, Master Hypnotherapist and Instructor certified by the American Board of Hypnotherapy, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) with twenty-six years of experience and is certified by the American Board of NLP, Trainer and Master Practitioner of Time Line TherapyTM certified by the Time Line TherapyTM Association, Reiki Master of the Usui Sei Chem Tibetan lineage, with twenty-nine years of experience, and an Ordained Minister by the Universal Brotherhood Movement, Inc. since 1995.

To make appointments regarding personal cosmic insights on what 2024 holds for you, personal empowerment sessions using the tools of hypnosis, Time Line TherapyTM, and NLP to create the quality of life you deserve and desire, astrology classes and workshops, Reiki training, energy healing sessions, Certification training’s and workshops in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis and Time Line TherapyTM, or wedding officiant services, contact Veronica at 615-355-4983 and/or vghart2@cs.com.

For additional information on these services, visit www.awarenessthroughastrology.comwww.alternativelearningtechnologies.com, and/or www.rainbowsofenlightenment.com.

NOTE: Rainbows of Enlightenment is under construction.

DISCLAIMER: The astrological information shared in this post does not constitute advice to anyone in any context, whatsoever.

Copyright – 1989-2024 – Veronica G. Hartman and Awareness through Astrology.